Scholarship Application deadline
Friday, February 28, 2025 at 4:30pm
Submit completed application electronically to
Class of 2025 - Minimum Eligibility Requirements
The application should be completed by the student-athlete fully and with as much detail as possible. Incomplete or inaccurate applications will not be considered. The required essay and the GPA release form must be included with the completed scholarship application package. Information provided will be kept confidential amongst the JABC Scholarship Committee and those scoring the application.
The student must be/have:
- A Senior athlete who actively participated/s in the Johnson High School (JHS) athletic program for at least one year during high school, including his/her senior year, and intends to enroll as a full-time student at an accredited institution of higher education, including but not limited to: community college, university, trade school, or technical school.
- Earned a minimum weighted GPA of 2.5 in high school through the Fall Semester of Senior year
The student’s family must:
- Be a member in good standing of the Jags Athletic Booster Club (JABC) during the student’s Senior year (Please email if financial assistance is needed)
The student and/or family must have:
- Student must serve a minimum of 10 volunteer hours outside the home AND student/family must serve a minimum of 10 hours with JABC Volunteer Opportunities found here:
- Of those 10 JABC Volunteer Opportunities hours, at least 5 MUST be served by the student.
- Hours considered are over the course of the student's time at Johnson High School.
* Please note that these are the minimum requirements to apply for the Class of 2025 – applications that exceed the minimums will score higher based on the application scoring system.
Class of 2025 Application Requirement Highlights
Athletic Participation:
- Sports played while at Johnson High School
- Grade level years each sport was played (i.e., 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th)
Coach's Recommendation:
- Applicant will provide the name of the high school coach who can best attest to the student's level of sportsmanship, integrity, leadership, and overall school behavior demonstrated during their Johnson High School career.
Student GPA:
- Provide the student's weighted GPA reflecting coursework through the Fall Semester 2024.
- GPAs should be updated by February 2025; GPA will be independently verified
- Please include the signed GPA Release Form (last page of the application)
Student/Family Volunteer Hours:
There are two parts to this category
- Outside of the Home Student Volunteer Hours – Hours can be logged and signed by a volunteer site supervisor. Please attach a Student Community Service Log to reflect Volunteer hours. Hours must be verifiable.
- Student + Family JABC Volunteer Hours accumulated over the course of attendance of the student at Johnson High School/last 4 years.
*JABC Volunteer Hours are obtained by signing up to volunteer for JABC through the following ways: concession stand, parking, selling merchandise, annual JABC fundraiser, and/or being a JABC board member. JABC volunteer opportunities are available and are tracked for high school tenure through JABC Membership website:
Essay Requirement:
- 500 maximum word essay requiring a response to 3 prompts.
- Essays will be scored blindly.
- DO NOT include applicant name on or in the essay - please only include student's school ID number for identification purposes.
Additional Information:
- All athletic participation information will be confirmed with a JHS Athletic Dept. representative.
- JABC Membership will be confirmed with the JABC Membership Board.
- Please note that a coach’s letter of recommendation is NOT required to satisfy the requirements of the Coach’s Recommendation section and will not be considered if provided. The named coach will complete a recommendation form provided by the JABC Scholarship Committee.
- GPA information will be confirmed by the JHS Counseling Dept. or Registrar’s Office.
- Volunteer hours will be verified in the Membership Toolkit system and with volunteer site supervisors.
- Scholarship winners will be announced in May 2025.
- The amount of each scholarship will be determined by the amount of funds available, the number of qualified applicants, and applicant’s relative scholarship application score compared to other qualified applicants.
- Awards will be paid directly to the post-secondary school/institution after the student submits to JABC proof of enrollment documentation and the specific address to where the scholarship check should be mailed. Instructions for submission of the documentation will be included with award notification to scholarship recipients.
- Recipients will have until January 31 of the year following their JHS graduation to submit proof of enrollment at an accredited institution of higher learning and the specific address to where the scholarship check should be mailed. Recipients who do not provide the required information by the January 31 deadline will forfeit their scholarship.
If you have any questions, please contact the JABC Scholarship Committee at